GeorgiaCommunityActionAssociation(GCAA) provides training and technical assistance for 20 Community Action Agencies and 4 CSBG County Offices throughout the State of Georgia, we comprise a humanservicenetworkcapableofservingall 159 counties with assistance to our most vulnerable populations.
The association provides, training, technical assistance and information on issues that are critical to our members as each member agency carries out their local organization’s purpose and mission. While each organization is uniquely different, we have one common interest, and that is to help individuals and families find ways to matriculate out of poverty. As a membership organization, we realize that there are multiple approaches that are needed to tackle the problems of poverty in all our communities. As an association, we realize that poverty has many causes and these causes are different for each community in which our members provide services.
The association and our member agencies require the human and financial support of many to accomplish their missions. Federal, state and local governments, as well as private foundations, United Way, the business community, private individuals who volunteer and who make personal contributions, religious organizations, and social and civic organizations are all a part of our progress. It is these partnerships that help our network help families and individuals transition out of poverty. The continued support of our partners is critical to finding new and innovative ways to address poverty in all our communities in Georgia. Our member agencies services are both similar and unique, as are the communities in which our member agencies operate in rural and urban settings.